The Lockdown drill is designed to test UCCS emergency preparedness. It will be observed by University Police and staff from Public Safety. There will NOT be a police response activity during the drill.
- Preplanned Building Lockdown Drills
1/23 Wednesday, 9:40 AM – Centennial Hall
1/23 Wednesday, 1:50 PM – Dwire Hall
1/24 Thursday, 9:40 AM – Osborne Center Science Engineering
1/24 Thursday, 1:50 PM – Engineering Building
1/25 Friday, 9:40 AM University Hall
1/25 Friday 1:50 PM Columbine Hall
1/28 Monday, 2:00 PM – ENT Performing Arts
2/08 Friday, 2:00 PM – Lane Center
• Please depart the building prior to the scheduled lockdown drill only if you anticipate an adverse reaction with participation.
• Please complete the short survey provided in the “Lockdown Complete” alert after participating in a drill.