Monthly Archives: February 2017

2/27/17 – Red Flag Warning Issued

A Red Flag Warning has been issued for Tuesday, Febrary 27, 2017 from 11:00am to 6:00pm.  Low humidity and strong winds will combine for increase fire danger.  Use extreme caution with potential ignition sources, dispose of all smoking materials in appropriate containers, and report new fire starts immediately.

2/22/17 – Red Flag Warning Issued

A Red Flag Warning has been issued for Wednesday, February 22, 2017 from 11:00am to 6:00pm.  Low humidity and strong winds will combine for increase fire danger.  Use extreme caution with potential ignition sources, dispose of all smoking materials in appropriate containers, and report new fire starts immediately.

2/10/17 – REMINDER: TEST of the UCCSAlerts System Today at Noon

As a REMINDER, a scheduled test of our campus emergency notification system, UCCSAlerts, will take place TODAY, Friday, February 10, 2017 at 12:00pm.  The intent of this semester test is two-fold:

  • To test and evaluate the system during a non-emergency event to ensure all aspects and methods of delivery are functioning as expected
  • To provide an opportunity for our campus community to review and/or update their registration information, and to ensure your anticipated methods of receiving the alerts are functioning properly (ie – cell phone, email, etc)

The test message will be sent using all methods of delivery, to include:

  • Text message
  • Email
  • Voice
  • Designated social media channels
  • Website banners

Designated classroom, assembly area, and customer service desks WILL receive a call to test their functionality of using voice alerts.  The caller ID should read “UCCS Police”.  While this may cause a very brief interruption, particularly in the classroom settings, we want to emphasize the importance of testing these capabilities during non-emergent times.

We want to encourage everyone to review and update their registration information in the UCCSAlerts system ahead of Friday’s test.  To access your registration:

  • Visit
  • Scroll down to the bottom-center of the page, click on “Emergency Information”, and once taken to the UCCS Alerts page you will find a tab labeled “Alert Sign Up”
  • You will find instructions for accessing your registration information

If there is a “real” emergency, or other potential need to send an alert on Friday, the test will be postponed to the following Friday.  If you have questions or concerns regarding today’s test, your registration information, or the emergency notification system in general, contact Tim Stoecklein, Program Director of Emergency Management, via email at [email protected], or via phone at 719.255.3106.

2/7/17 – TEST of the UCCSAlerts System This Friday at Noon

A scheduled test of our campus emergency notification system, UCCSAlerts, will take place this Friday, February 10, 2017 at 12:00pm.  The intent of this semester test is two-fold:

  • To test and evaluate the system during a non-emergency event to ensure all aspects and methods of delivery are functioning as expected
  • To provide an opportunity for our campus community to review and/or update their registration information, and to ensure your anticipated methods of receiving the alerts are functioning properly (ie – cell phone, email, etc)

The test message will be sent using all methods of delivery, to include:

  • Text message
  • Email
  • Voice
  • Designated social media channels
  • Website banners

Designated classroom, assembly area, and customer service desks WILL receive a call to test their functionality of using voice alerts.  The caller ID should read “UCCS Police”.  While this may cause a very brief interruption, particularly in the classroom settings, we want to emphasize the importance of testing these capabilities during non-emergent times.

We want to encourage everyone to review and update their registration information in the UCCSAlerts system ahead of Friday’s test.  To access your registration:

  • Visit
  • Scroll down to the bottom-center of the page, click on “Emergency Information”, and once taken to the UCCS Alerts page you will find a tab labeled “Alert Sign Up”
  • You will find instructions for accessing your registration information

If there is a “real” emergency, or other potential need to send an alert on Friday, the test will be postponed to the following Friday.  If you have questions or concerns regarding Friday’s test, your registration information, or the emergency notification system in general, contact Tim Stoecklein, Program Director of Emergency Management, via email at [email protected], or via phone at 719.255.3106.

2/1/17 – Winter Weather Advisory Issued

A Winter Weather Advisory has been issued from 10:00pm tonight tp 10:00am Thursday. Light snow and freezing drizzle may cause surfaces to become slick, including roadways.

Preparedness actions:

  • Allow extra time for travel tonight and tomorrow morning
  • Reduce your speed, increase following distance, and turn your headlights on for better visibility in areas of dense fog during daylight hours